K. Russell Memorials Ltd, Burbage Hinckley

Granite Memorials

Granite || Marble || Churchyard || Childrens || Small Memorials
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ref. ET186
polished black canopy with pillars

ref. ET76
polished grey celtic cross
ref. RL615
polished red book with rose carving
ref. ET7-A
polished grey with chanfer
ref. MR249
rustic dark grey round top
with floral carving
ref. ET99
rustic grey celtic cross
ref. MR74
polished grey scroll with angels
ref. ET1-C
blue pearl ogee with chamfer
ref. book 9
polished black curved page
book with riser
ref. ET99-1
rustic grey celtic cross
rustic base
ref. MR252-1
polished red ogee with
carved roses
ref. ET12
rustic black ogee with recess
ref. book 2
grey flat page with
shaped tassle
ref. ET186-6
polished black canopy
with pillars
ref. book 10
grey curved pages
with riser
ref. MR251
grey polished peon top with
rose carving
ref ET105
polished blue pearl with
extended base
ref. ET101-1
polished blue pearl with
shaped book
ref. ET72
polished grey cross on dy
and base
ref. ET186-3
polished black canopy with
peon top and pillars
ref. MR253
polished grey circular with
carved flowers
ref. ET136
polished dark grey round top
ref. ET99-2
rustic grey celtic cross
ref. book8
polished light grey shaped
pages no tassle
ref. ET123
polished ogee with black inlay
ref. ET101
polished grey with book
and planter
ref. MR250
polished black with book
and rose carving
ref. ET181
polished grey shaped sides
and chamfer
ref. RL615
polished black book with
rose carving
ref. ET186-4
polished black canopy with
light grey pillars
ref. MR83
honed light grey with our
lady carving
ref. ET221
polished bahama blue circle
with bevel and splay base
ref. ET181
polished green with
extended base
ref. ET102
polished black with book
ref. ET50
polished dark grey ogee
ref. ET91
polished blue pearl with cross
ref. ET77
polished black ogee barrel
sides with heart
ref. ET105
polished blue pearl ogee with
barrel sides and chamfer
ref. MR256
polished with inlay and rose carvings
ref. ET3
polished dark grey peon
ref. LC200
polished blue pearl double
ref. ET18-A
polished grey ogee with
chamfer and splay base
ref. ET10
polished dark grey off set
peon top
ref. ET11
polished grey anton
ref. ET100-2
polished grey scroll splay
ref. ET11
polished black with heart
cut out
ref. ET3
polished blue pearl with
peon top
ref. ET1
polished light grey ogee
ref. ET11
polished dark grey anton
ref. ET1-1
rustic paradiso ogee
ref. ET16
polished dark grey with
carved rope edge
ref. ET51
polished black gates of heaven
ref. ET105
polished blue pearl anton
with splayed base
ref. ET87
polished blue pearl with ogee
and moulding
ref. ET11
polished blue pearl anton
ref. ET9-b
polished paradiso with chamfer
ref. ET87
polished black ogee with moulding

ref. ET11
polished dark grey anton

ref. ET29
polished grey peon with moulding
ref. ET3
polished light grey peon
ref. ET159
polished dark grey with football
ref. ET40
polished black ogee with
splayed base and chamfer
ref. Et14
polished blue pearl oval with
check shoulders
ref. ET50-1
polished black ogee with
double moulding
ref. ET12
rustic light grey ogee with
recessed border
ref. ET46-B
polished grey check ogee
with chamfer
ref. ET123
polished black ogee with inlay
ref. ET2
polished grey half ogee
ref. ET1-C
polished blue pearl ogee
with chamfer
ref. ET4
polished dark grey square top
ref. ET16
polished black with rope edge
ref. ET60-A
polished blue pearl with chamfer
ref. ET8
polshed dark grey oval top
ref. ET3
polished dark grey peon top
ref. ET7-A
polished grey with chamfer
ref. EC35
polished blue pearl with
rose design
ref. EC155
polished black heart with
flower carvings
ref. RL184
part polished dark grey desk
ref. 220
polished dark grey double hearts
ref. ET230-1
polished black heart with
raised hearts
ref. ET45
polished light grey heart
ref. MR66
polished light grey heart
with cherub carving
ref. ET230-1
polished grey heart with
raised hearts
ref. MR05
polished dark grey heart with
roses carved
ref. ET206
polished black heart with
raised heart
ref. ET45
polished dark grey heart
ref. MR67
polished light grey double
heart with cherub
ref. L159
polished black square top
with floral designs
ref. RL151
polished black heart with
floral design
ref. RL154
polished black with bible
ref. RL157
polished black with church
ref. RL158
polished dark grey with ivy
and cross design
ref. RL160
polished black ogee with cross
and shepherd design
ref. RL163
polished black oval with
church window design
ref. RL164
polished dark grey with cross
and rose design
ref. RL165
polished black anton with
corn design
ref. RL166
polished black book curved
ref. RL176
part polished light grey with
cut out and cross
ref. RL186
polished black with shaped top
ref. RL301
part polished light grey ogee
with dove carving
ref. RL303
honed grey shaped top with
cross design
ref. RL401
polished with border and photo
ref. RL402
polished ogee
ref. RL403
part polished dark grey ogee
with moulding
ref. RL404
polished dark grey with
flower designs
ref. RL405
polished paradiso anton
with flower design
ref. RL406
rustic st. johns red ogee
ref. RL412
polished dark grey centre
ref. RL413
polished round top with border
ref. RL600
polished paradiso double heart
ref. RL601
polished bahama blue with
rose carvings
ref. RL603
polished black sloping tablet
with canopy
ref. RL604
polished blue pearl with border
ref. RL605
polished black with side vases
ref. RL607
polished dark grey with
shaped book
ref. RL608
part polished light grey with
large base and floral designs
ref. RL609
polished paradiso book
ref. RL610
polished balmoral round top
ref. RL611
polished black heart with kerbs
ref. RL612
light grey granite book withriser and two vases
ref. RL613
polished black gates of heaven
ref. RL615
polished black book with
carved rose
ref. RL616
polished bahama blue with kerbs
ref. RL617
polished with splayed vase
base and chamfer
ref. RL630
rustic dark grey with carved design
ref. RL632
polished black with gilded
celtic cross

Copyright © K.Russell Memorials Limited 2012